Monday, May 10, 2010

3-7 May And the Word descendeth from Above

And the Word descendeth from Above and there was much activity. Rick Griffith, president, passed down on Wednesday that he wanted more men working on the SNYDER. Accordingly, more men were on the first shift and several were on the second and third shift. It may sound like they accomplished a lot in the three days, but they could not have done it were not the internal repairs completed in number 2 and 4 compartments.

The 40 foot long plate for number 4 compartment was fitted up and most of the internal welding completed. All of the internal repairs to the bulkheads, Z-bar, gussets were completed.

The 16 foot plate for the after end of number 2 compartment was fitted in and the internal welding is in progress. The internal repairs to the bulkheads, frames, and intercostals were completed with the exception for six frames in the outboard compartments which make up to the framing for the knuckle. There are three frames on each side. These appear to have been some kind of repair previously and with their set up are not fair to the plate. Once, the plate is in place these will be cut out and the replacements made fair.

The side shell for number 4 port side is ready to be hung. Work is progressing on the starboard side and is nearly complete. Two sections of knuckle have been installed on the stern port side. The pipe for the hogging chain posts were delivered on Friday.

The Z-bar for number 3 outboard compartments has been measured and the angle and flat bar to make up the Z-bar has been ordered. The inboard Z-bar on the starboard side where it fits into a riveted transition piece is totally gone. We have been avoiding disturbing complex riveted structure as the other old Z-bar had enouth thickness so that we did not have to replace all of it. This will be a different srory. While I don't believe that this will create any serious problems, we will proceed cautiously on this repair avoiding as best as possible getting a lot of heat into the structure.

A laser transit was performed on Wednesday evening, and no discernible deformation was found.

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