Monday, June 7, 2010

1-4 June Big LIft II

The yard did not work on Monday Memorial Day.

Tuesday morning the lifting blocks and jacks were in place on the starboard side. The vessel was lifted by the end of the first shift. The blocks were shifted and the vessel lowered by the end of the second shift.

Work was started on clearing out the overlay on compartments 1 and 3. I ran a laser transit on Wenesday evening and there was no significant distortion. By Friday, all of the overlay was off of compartment 3 and about half of the original plate. The tow knee gussetts have been removed  and a plan developed for replicating them. The false bow was removed and aside from some repairs, it should not have to be replated.

The head log plating is severely pitted but extends down about 2 feet from under the curl. It is not thick enough to butt weld. Instead, the new bottom plate will be lapped over the head log plate and brought up to the point of the overlay. The new plate will also be plug welded to the head log plate. By bring the new plate up to the curl, the new plate will act as a barrier to the head log plate as the head of the vessel is pointed up river on the Muskigum and faces the current. This ceates a greater proability of pitting.

Compartments 1,3 and 5 require the most internal repairs. Compartment 1 due to water coming in the hatches. Number 3 due to bottom set-ups and some leaks. The was about 200 pounds of cement that was taken out of number 3 inboard compartments on the bottom. Compartment 5 outboard on both sides are the worst due to water coming in from the leaking threshholds on both the side doors to the engine room.

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